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Spanish Immersion

Lyseth Elementary’s Spanish Immersion program begins language exposure in the early elementary grades. Students in the immersion program are taught content and language simultaneously in Spanish.

2024-2025 Spanish Immersion Program Application

Lyseth Elementary Enrollment Process and Priorities for Spanish Immersion Program

Our lottery process also guarantees a spot to siblings of current Spanish Immersion students, following previously agreed upon protocols created to support language learning in the home. 

Please note: 24-25 Kindergarten students who have siblings in the 23-24 5th grade - or who have siblings who are alumni of the SI program at Lyseth – are not guaranteed a spot in the program. They do NOT have an advantage (or disadvantage) in the lottery.

Lottery Priorities

  1. Up to 20 spots for kindergarten siblings of current Spanish Immersion students who live in the Lyseth boundary.
  2. Remaining spots will go to, in order of priority:
    • Boundary students who apply
    • Portland district students who apply
    • Out of district students who apply

Lottery Process

  • The last week of July the names of all incoming kinder students who have submitted a Spanish Immersion Commitment and Lottery Form to Lyseth Elementary School will comprise the lottery pool. Students must be living in the Lyseth boundary of Portland by the first day of school to be considered a part of the “boundary” pool.  

Before the lottery begins, any sibling of current Spanish Immersion students in the pool will be offered a spot. Sibling status should be indicated on the student's commitment form and confirmed by Lyseth staff before the time of the lottery. Step-sibling and half-siblings are considered siblings.

  • The students remaining in the pool will be assigned one lottery number using a random number generator. The lower the lottery number, the greater the likelihood that a student will have a place in the SI program at Lyseth.
  • Spots in the class will then be filled by lottery number, from lowest to highest – within the three priorities. 
  • Students not offered a spot will be placed on a wait list, ordered by lottery number and priority groups.
  • Lyseth staff will promptly communicate lottery results to all families. Any student who is on the accepted student list is presumed to be attending SI program at Lyseth for the fall of 2023. If a student has received a lottery spot at SI program at Lyseth and decides to attend another school, the parent or guardian should let Lyseth know as soon as possible.
  • A minimum of 20 students will be accepted through the initial lottery process. The typical maximum for any grade level at Lyseth is 22 and the state maximum for kindergarten is 20.