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Lyseth Family News --October 11th, 2024

Dear Lyseth Families,

We hope you're all having a wonderful October! Here’s a peek at the exciting events and activities happening at our school.

Fourth Graders Explore Mackworth Island

Our fourth graders had an incredible adventure on their very first field trip to Mackworth Island! They explored the scenic trails, learned about local wildlife, and even enjoyed some hands-on activities while surrounded by nature. The students were thrilled to be out and about, learning in such a beautiful setting.

Kindergarten Scientists in Action!

In science class, our Kindergarten students have been hard at work, virtually teaming up with Scientist Beth and Scientist Curtis. They are exploring fascinating topics through virtual field trips and testing out different hypotheses. Right now, our young scientists are diving into the world of dinosaurs! They’ve been learning all about dinosaur digs in Wyoming and the amazing work paleontologists do to uncover ancient fossils. It’s been an exciting time of discovery!


Parent-Teacher Conferences – Sign Up Today!

Parent-teacher conferences are just around the corner, and we are excited to report that over 400 families have already signed up! These conferences are a great way to connect with your child’s teacher and discuss their progress. If you haven’t signed up yet, please contact your child’s teacher or use the link they’ve provided to schedule your meeting. We look forward to seeing you!

Attendance Matters at Lyseth

We are proud to have the lowest rate of chronic absenteeism in the district!  That said, we always want to create conditions that keep our students excited about learning, and coming consistently!  Even a few days of missed school a month can add up. Thank you for your support in walking the like between keeping sick kids home, and making sure that they come to school when they can! 

Basketball Sign Ups for 5th Graders

The Caldwell League offers children of all abilities an opportunity to play recreational basketball within the city while teaching the concept of basketball in a non-competitive atmosphere, emphasizing skill development and teamwork. Practices begin November 4 and games begin November 16, 2024 running until January 17, 2025. Game schedules will consist of a Boy's Division and a Girl’s Division. Any children wishing to participate on a Co-Ed team can register for the Co-ed team. designation.  Click here to learn more. 

LYSETH PTA Read Aloud Volunteer Opportunities

The Lyseth PTA is excited to host a number of opportunities for volunteering and connecting this year. Each month we will hold a read aloud event in classrooms to focus on a specific celebratory or heritage month. We will also host adult caregiver events to allow us to come together in a circle discussion to celebrate our diverse community. Several parents joined classrooms to read and lead discussions in classrooms on Wednesday, October 9th.  

There will be events each month so if you are interested, but not available for these dates stay tuned or check the Lyseth PTA calendar for future events. 





No School-Indigenous People's Day  Monday, October 14th
Early Release 2:30 PM Every Wednesday
Fall Conferences Early Release 12:30, Please be sure to sign up if you have not already. October 24th and 25th