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Lyseth Family News --November 8, 2024

Lyseth Fun Run--Tomorrow!

We'd love to see Lyseth School teachers and staff among the runners and walkers at the Lyseth 5k this Saturday, November 9. This fun annual event is an important fundraiser for the PTA and its efforts to support needs and programming for Lyseth students. And, new this year, there will be prizes and medals for the top-finishing male and female teachers and staff members! (Plus this year's T-shirts are pretty snazzy, too.)The 5k starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday, with a free kids fun run around the Lyseth Loop at 9:30. Pre-registration for the race ends Thursday, but you can also register the day of the race starting at 8:30. We hope to see you there! FMI and to register:


November is NATIONAL AMERICAN INDIAN HERITAGE MONTH - this Celebrates and honors the history and culture of Native Americans and indigenous people in the United States. We are celebrating at Lyseth as Wabanaki Studies month and with the guidance of our amazing community member and Wabanaki leader Sandra Bassett, along with the PTA Equity team, here is what we have planned! You can also see all these dates on the Lyseth calendar!

Tues Nov 19th - Passamaquoddy Morning Read aloud opportunity & assemblies 

PTA volunteer read aloud from 9:00-9:45 - if you want someone to read with your class, reply to me to let me know!  If you want to simply read the book with your class ahead of time, we are ordering more copies as well!

10:00- 10:30 K-2 assembly with Minquan, the author for "little People of the Dawn" - you are welcome to join your student for this!

10:30-11:00 - 3-5 assembly with Minquan, the author for "little People of the Dawn" - you are welcome to join your student for this!

Monday Nov 18th - 

2:30-3:30 Afternoon Circle conversation connection with Sandra and families on Wabanaki studies - come learn more about this important part of our curriculum!

November 21st - 3:40-4:25 Conversation with Sandra Bassett for staff -This is for staff only, but as an FYI, we will also meet with Sandra to hear about her work on Wabanaki studies, implications for our teaching, and suggestions and ideas on how we can best support this.

Friday November 22nd Drumming Circles with Sandra

Families are invited to join their kids for this fantastic assembly and learning with Sandra!

  • 1:00-1:30 2nd and 5th and preK assembly - you are welcome to join your student for this!
  • 1:45-2:15 Kinder and 3rd - you are welcome to join your student for this!
  • 2:35-3:00 1st and 4th - you are welcome to join your student for this!

Monday 25th Evening movie event with Sandra 7-8:30, for families not kids

  • We will watch a short follow up film to Dawnland and then have an adult circle discussion. Open to adults only - families and staff.



As clubs and reading and math groups are in full swing, it is important to note that many occur before school. Please continue to follow regular pick-up and dismissal procedures.  All car pick-ups and drop-offs should happen in the outside circle farthest from the school.  Please do not pull up directly in front of the school. This is the bus loop, and we need to keep in clear for the busses. Thank you so much for your cooperation. 


Odyssey of the Mind

Event Announcement: Odyssey of the Mind Information Session

Join Jason Wheeler from Maine Odyssey of the Mind and OM Coaches from Lyseth OM teams on November 20th from 6-7pm at Lyseth Elementary for an information session. Last year, the two Lyseth teams competed in a state-wide competition that challenged them to be creative, resourceful, persistent, and collaborative. Competing and participating on an OM team requires several months of meetings with your team of 5-7 students to design, build, craft, and have fun together. Last year's teams are returning and just getting started on long-term problems. Children in 3rd to 5th grade are welcome to form teams. Please note that this is a parent-led program and existing teams have very limited space.

To Learn More about Odyssey of the Mind In PPS CLICK HERE.



Early Release 2:30 PM Every Wednesday
Veteran's Day--No School

Monday, November 11th


Monthly PTA Meeting

Click here to register for childcare or translation, or to suggest a topic for discussion! 


Thursday, November, 14th 5:30-6:30, In Person Lyseth Library.