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Lyseth Family News - Friday, March 8, 2024

From Ms. Goodall and Ms. Edlund:

We had another busy week here at Lyseth. We have spent some time reviewing lunchroom and cafeteria procedures and ways to safe respectful and responsible. 

Our youngest learners have been working hard on reading short vowel words with beginning and ending digraphs.  It is so exciting to watch them bloom!




Event/Reminders Date & Time
Lyseth PTA MEETING: In  Person at Lyseth


Date: 3/13 6:00-6:45


Lyseth Family Coffee with Ms. Goodall Date: 3/12 9:00-10:00
Lyseth Night at Maine Celtics

Date: 3/17

see details below


From the PTA--Upcoming Fundraiser: Lyseth Night at Maine Celtics!

Sunday, Mar 17, 2024 2:00pm (doors at 1:00)
Visit to reserve your tickets!

Purchase Deadline: Mar 10, 2024 11:59 PM EDT

Every ticket includes a FREE Maine Celtics Hat.
Stick around after the game for a full team autograph session!
$2 from every ticket purchased will be donated to the Lyseth PTA.

We also need a few volunteers to help sell 50-50 tickets. If you're coming to the game, please let us know if you can help out for a short stint by emailing!


PPS Rock Around the World

Join us for the Multilingual & Multicultural Center’s fundraising extravaganza on April 26th, 2024, from 7-11:00PM. A night of international dancing, Rock Around the World will feature dance instruction from exciting performers from Cambodia, Afghanistan, India, and Cuba, among others. Bid on items and experiences generously donated by Portland community members, including some of Southern Maine’s most beloved establishments. You’ll be able to enjoy delicious international hors d'oeuvres provided by some of Portland's finest eateries, and the dynamic musical stylings of DJ Our Latin Thing. 

Tickets to this event are limited, and are $50 in advance through EventBrite. You can also get your tickets from the Multilingual Office by calling 207-874-8135. To reserve your ticket(s) and to learn more about Rock Around the World, please visit your school would like to reserve a table for ten, please call the Multilingual & Multicultural Office.

If you are interested in helping out, please let us know if you would be willing to donate a themed basket for the silent auction. So far we have received an international spice basket, a beach basket, a spa basket, and a bread basket.

All proceeds from the event will go towards supporting students enrolled in the Make It Happen program, our award-winning college-readiness and academic-achievement program for language minority students.