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2024 Curriculum Night - Resources

Thank you to the new and returning families who joined us at this years curriculum night (and double thank you to those who stayed for the PTA meeting!) We know that attendance at evening events can be difficult and our commitment to families is to always share out slidedecks after so that even if you cannot attend in person, you are able to review what was covered. Please feel free to review the Culture, Special Education & 504 slidedeck, the Literacy & Math slidedeck, and our Title 1 Family Compact.

Culture, Special Education & 504 slidedeck

Literacy & Math slidedeck

Title 1 Parent Partnership Policy 2024-25

Lyseth values, embraces, and celebrates the unique talents and diverse culture of our school community. We believe a vibrant and effective partnership among the school and families serves as the cornerstone for educational excellence leading to achievement for all students. We believe in open communication and parent/guardian/family involvement and encourage you to become as involved in the school community as your time permits. Together, we can all help fulfill Lyseth’s mission- to be a school where we all belong, where we all have the right to learn, and where we all contribute towards a better school, city and world community. The purpose of this Policy is to share the many opportunities that are available for families to partner with the school.

Scheduled events in the beginning of the year to introduce families to Lyseth.

  • Back To School Hello & Popsicle Party, which is Lyseth’s first family event of the year! This event is held in September, prior to the first day of school. It allows for students and families to meet the teacher before the first day, and to enjoy a popsicle with the principal and assistant principal!
  • Later in September, families are invited to Lyseth’s Curriculum Night. This is a night run by coaches and admin to review curriculum and academic expectations at Lyseth. Language facilitators are available to meet with families and to provide school information.

Events to celebrate family and community.

  • We communicate the events in our family newsletter, on our website, and ReachMyTeach.
  • The school runs monthly family chats where we observe classrooms together, learn about new initiatives, and support a strong partnership between home and school.
  • The PTA Equity team, in conjunction with the school, runs monthly family conversations centered around diverse holidays and celebrations, and we co-host read aloud volunteer opportunities.
  • The PTA runs events such as Trunk or Treat, Craft Night, Happy Wheels Night, Seadogs and Maine Celtics events.
  • The school also invites families to join us at the school for chorus concerts, special assemblies, and field trips. Events like Field Day are cosponsored by the PTA and the school.
  • Spring Open House. New this year, families are invited in to see student work and get a tour of the building from their students. In addition, we will have language facilitators available to meet with families and to provide school information.

Volunteer Opportunities.

  • There are many ways to volunteer at Lyseth. ALL volunteers must apply through PPS at and complete a background check. This must be completed at least 2 weeks in advance of volunteering. Families can:
  • Volunteer in the Classroom: help with reading and math; supervise field trips; or photocopy worksheets are some of the ways in which parents can help in the classroom.
  • Volunteer in School (but outside of the classroom): we have lots of opportunities in our garden this year with weeding and supporting our environmental literacy program!
  • Participate in Field Trips: help monitor student safety and visit locations around Portland.
  • Join the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Lyseth has an active and engaged Parent-Teacher Association. Connect to learn news, events, fundraising initiatives, and more. Learn more here:


  • Family conferences are held each Fall and Spring. Family select a time before or after school to meet with the teacher to discuss the student’s progress, how the student can be supported at home, receive information on all assessments and testing, and ask questions.
  • Language facilitators will be available if needed.

Maintain Communication

  • Teachers and staff are available via email, Reach my Teach, or by calling the front office. Language facilitators can be provided.
  • Check out the Lyseth Family Newsletter - the weekly newsletter, which is translated, is emailed to families and posted on the Lyseth website.
  • Visit media sites such as the Lyseth website and Portland Public Schools
  • Keep your phone number updated with the front desk - notifications of upcoming events and important school news are often sent via phone message.
  • Review the Family Handbook

The success of our students requires support, encouragement and involvement from teachers, staff, family and community. It is our policy to keep families informed and involved with school.

The Lyseth Elementary School Family Partnership Pledge

We know that students learn best when families and schools work together. As family, teacher, caring adult, I commit to the academic achievement and career success of each student, and I agree, support, and adhere to the following principles to the best of my ability:

School Staff Will…
Communicate with parents by:

  • Frequently providing information about what is being learned in the classroom
  • Inviting, encouraging, and reinforcing parent involvement.

Provide a positive, safe, caring environment by:

  • utilizing the school wide culture plan.
  • Supporting implementation of restorative practices.
  • communicating with students in a calm, respectful manner at all times.
  • Taking intentional steps to build trusting relationships with and among all students.
  • Having restorative conversations with students after they are sent out of the classroom (before they re-enter classroom).
  • Employing multiple positive behavior strategies to build a strong school community

Promoting a high level of excellence for each student by:

  • Providing rigorous instruction based on Common Core Standards
  • Maintaining a routine and organization
  • Using a variety of current teaching methods and curriculum models based on Common Core Standards
  • Work collaboratively with grade level and vertical teams to achieve common, student-centered goals for which members are mutually accountable.

Families Will…

  • Communicate the importance of education and learning to my student
  • Encourage my student to have aspirations, face challenges with a growth mindset, and give their best effort in their learning.
  • Monitor my student’s screen time, and provide a quiet time and place for reading.
  • Attend family conferences, encourage open communication with teachers and administration, and treat my student’s teacher team as a valuable resource. Work with them to support my student and let them know if I notice any problems.
  • Read and respond to all notices from school.
  • Encourage attendance at school, but if the student is sick or late due to appointments or extenuating circumstances, notify the school by 9:00 AM.

Students Will...

  • Attend, and arrive at school on time, well rested, and prepared for a full day of instruction and learning.
  • Read with an adult or be encouraged to read each day.
  • ask for help when it is needed.
  • Follow the Lyseth Leopard Code & Core Values:
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Safe
  • Be Responsible